Wrist Pain Causes Frustration and Interferes With Daily Tasks

Wrist pain can cause frustration and interfere with daily tasks. It may also be a symptom of a more serious health issue, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. A doctor can help you identify the culprit. Using a wrist brace or immobilizing the wrist with a splint can help the area heal.

The wrist is a complex joint that is made up of many bones and tendons. These tendons connect the muscles in the forearm to the finger bones. In the case of arthritis, the tendons may be damaged or inflamed. X-rays are often used to examine the joints and ligaments. This can be helpful in determining if a fracture or sprain is the culprit.

A wrist sprain is a type of overuse injury. Sprains occur when the tendons in the wrist are stretched past their limits. They are typically caused by falls or sports injuries. Surgical repair may be necessary for severe sprains. When done correctly, it will usually take about six to twelve months to recover completely.

Using an ice pack is a common technique for decreasing inflammation. Apply it to the tender wrist area every few hours for the first two days. However, be sure not to use it for longer than 20 minutes at a time. Otherwise, you may damage the tissues around the joint. An elastic bandage is also recommended. You want to keep the bandage snug but not too tight, or it will cut off circulation. 손목결절종수술

A physical therapist can perform stretching and strengthening exercises that will help you get your wrist back in shape. You can find a variety of wrist splints at your local drug store. Wearing the splint will protect the wrist from bending backwards.

Wrist pain is a problem for millions of Americans. While there are a variety of diagnoses, the most common are tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome. Symptoms include pain, stiffness, and swelling. If you are suffering from any of these conditions, your doctor may order a range of tests to identify the underlying condition.

For a more definitive diagnosis, your healthcare provider will examine your wrist and the entire hand and arm. He or she will also test your blood to check for rheumatoid arthritis or gout. Your doctor can also order appropriate imaging studies, such as MRIs, CTs, or x-rays, to help pinpoint the cause of the pain. Depending on the suspected cause of your wrist pain, your healthcare provider may order other tests, such as a bone scan.

Unlike many other parts of the body, the wrist does not have a specific pain-free point of reference. Pain can be sharp or chronic, depending on the cause. Fortunately, there are several treatment options, including splints, over-the-counter medications, and surgery.

Wrist exercises and braces can also be a useful way to treat the condition. Changing the way you do your daily activities can reduce strain on the joints. Other possible causes of wrist pain include arthritis, tendonitis, or rheumatoid arthritis.

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